›› Michigan: State Drug Offices
Governor's Office Michigan
Gov. Rick Snyder (R)
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909
State Legislative Contact Michigan
Legislative Service Bureau Michigan
Michigan National Tower Fourth Floor
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, Michigan 489097536
State Drug Program Coordinator Michigan
Office of Drug Control Policy
320 S. Walnut
Lansing, Michigan 48913
State Coordinator for Drug-Free Schools Michigan
Department of Community Health Michigan
Office of Drug Control Policy Michigan
Drug Education Division
320 S. Walnut
Lansing, Michigan 48913
Michigan State Substance Abuse Website
Office of Drug Control Policy
Bureau of Sub Abuse & Addiction Ser
Dept of Community Health
320 S. Walnut, Lewis Cass Bldg. 5th Fl
Lansing MI 48913
Phone: 888-736-0253
Prevention Contact
Larry Scott, Manager
Prevention Section, Office of Drug Control Policy
MI Department of Community Health
320 S. Walnut Lewis Cass Bldg., 5th Floor
Lansing, MI 48933
(517) 335-0174 Fax: (517) 241-2611
E-mail: [email protected]
Attorney General's Office Michigan
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 30212
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Law Enforcement Planning Michigan
Investigative Services Bureau Michigan
Michigan State Police
714 South Harrison Road
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Crime Prevention Office Michigan
Detroit Police Department Michigan
Crime Prevention Association
2110 Park Avenue, Suite 332
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Statistical Analysis Center Michigan
Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice
560 Baker Hall
East Lansing, Michigan 488241118
Uniform Crime Reports Contact Michigan
Uniform Crime Reporting Section Michigan
Michigan State Police
7150 Harris Drive
Lansing, Michigan 48913
BJA Strategy Preparation Agency Michigan
Office of Drug Control Policy
320 S. Walnut
Lansing, Michigan 48913
Judicial Agency Michigan
State Court Administrative Office
309 North Washington Square
P.O. Box 30048
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Corrections Agency Michigan
Michigan Department of Corrections
Grandview Plaza Building
P.O. Box 30003
Lansing, Michigan 48909