›› Arizona: State Drug Offices
Governor's Office
Gov. Jan Brewer(R)
Office of the Governor
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
State Legislative Contact
Arizona Legislative Council
Suite 100, Legislative Services Wing
State Capitol
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 5424236
Fax: (602) 5424803
State Drug Program Coordinator
Governor's Division of Drug Policy
Suite 101-G
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
State Coordinator for Drug-Free Schools
Arizona Department of Education
Title IVSafe & Drug Free Schools
1535 West Jefferson
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
RADAR Network Agency
Arizona Prevention Resource Center
641 East Van Buren, Suite B2
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Prevention Contact
Ms. Lisa Shumaker
Manager, Office of Prevention
Bureau of Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Division of Behavioral Health Services
Arizona Department of Health Services
150 North 18th Avenue, Suite 220
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3228
Phone: 602-364-4593
E-mail: [email protected]
Drug and Alcohol Agency
Bureau of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Arizona Department of Health Services
2122 East Highland Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
HIV-Prevention Program
Office of HIV/STD Services
Bureau of Epidemiology and Disease Control Services
Arizona Department of Health Services
3815 North African American Canyon Highway
Phoenix, Arizona 850155351
Attorney General's Office
Office of the Attorney General
1275 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Law Enforcement Planning
Office of the Attorney General
1275 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Statistical Analysis Center
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
1110 West Washington
Suite 230
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Uniform Crime Reports Contact
Uniform Crime Reports Program
Arizona Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 6638
Phoenix, Arizona 85005
BJA Strategy Preparation Agency
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
1110 West Washington
Suite 230
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Judicial Agency
Administrative Office of the Courts
Supreme Court
1501 West Washington Street,
Suite 411
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Corrections Agency
Department of Corrections
1601 West Jefferson Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007