›› Virginia: Drug

The availability and abuse of major drugs continues to increase
in Virginia. The main stay drugs in Virginia continue to be cocaine, meth,
and marijuana.
- Cocaine
Cocaine is widely abused and available throughout Virginia. Crack cocaine
continues to plague inner city settings, particularly in Richmond, Roanoke,
and the Tidewater area. Mexican drug traffickers based in North Carolina
who have been supplying increasing amounts of cocaine to Virginia.
- Heroin
Heroin is widely available in Virginia's urban areas, but is less prevalent
in rural counties of the Commonwealth. In the Richmond metropolitan area,
heroin is not only an inner city phenomenon, but has gained popularity amongst
white young people from upper middle class suburbs.
- Meth
Meth has become the drug of choice in certain Valley towns such as Harrisonburg
and Staunton. The user population in that part of the state is largely white,
rural, and uneducated. By contrast, the user population in the Richmond area
consists of white college-aged young people involved in the rave scene.
- Club Drugs
Ecstasy is available throughout Virginia's urban areas and is sold largely
in dance clubs and raves where young college-aged young people congregate.
Ecstasy is rapidly encroaching on the mainstream drug trade and cuts across
all categories of race, age and socio-economic status in Virginia.
- Marijuana
Marijuana is widely available throughout the Commonwealth, and is imported
into Virginia from a number of diverse trafficking groups from many different
source areas.