›› Vermont: Drug
Marijuana, domestic and imported, is the most widely abused drug in the State
of Vermont. Cocaine is a significant problem throughout the state, particularly
in the urban areas. Law enforcement officials report minimal availability
of methamphetamine.
- Cocaine
Cocaine is readily available throughout Vermont and is widely abused
by illicit drug users. Cocaine traffickers in Vermont, most often Caucasians,
obtain the drug from source areas in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New
York. Crack cocaine is not widely available in the state, although there
is limited availability.
- Heroin
There is widespread availability of heroin in the state of Vermont in street/user
level quantities. A typical heroin distributor in Vermont is a heroin user
who distributes the drug in order to support his/her heroin addiction. The
most common method of transport of heroin between Vermont and source areas
is the use of automobiles.
- Meth
There is not a significant methamphetamine problem in Vermont.
- Club Drugs
Ecstasy appears to be widely available in Vermont. Several thousand-tablet
seizures of MDMA have been made at ports of entry in Vermont. There have
not been any reports of widespread availability of other club drugs such
as GHB or ketamine.
- Marijuana
Marijuana is readily available in all areas of Vermont, and it is the drug
of choice for illicit drug users. The marijuana smuggled into Vermont often
is carried in backpacks across remote areas between the ports of entry; tractor-trailers
containing marijuana loads also transport the drug across the U.S./Canada