Did you know?? In 1900 the level of addiction in the U.S. was higher than today (roughly 2-5%) due to
extensive use of morphine in medical treatment.
ref: The History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States
Meth Treatment Admission Trends
- Nationally, from 1993 to 2003, the rate of treatment admissions
for primary methamphetamine/amphetamine abuse increased from 13 to 56 admissions
per 100,000 population aged 12 or older
- In 2003, there were 18 States with methamphetamine/amphetamine treatment
rates higher than the national average of 56 admissions per 100,000 population
12 or older
- The proportion of primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions referred
to treatment by the criminal justice system increased from 36 percent in
1993 to 51 percent in 2003

Trend for Monthly Use of Marijuana & Cocaine from 1971 to 2003
- A dramatic reduction in use followed the 1985
"Just Say No" campaign.
- A small but significant reduction in use followed the 1973 Nixon "War on Drugs" campaign.

Alcohol Consumption Trends - 1860 to Present
- Prohibition had a dramatic impact on alcohol consumption./li>
- Lowering the drinking age in the
1970's significantly increased alcohol consumption.
- Raising the legal drinking age in all states around 1987 significantly lowered alcohol consumption.