›› Utah: Drug
Even with the use of club drugs escalating throughout Utah, meth production
and abuse continues to remain the main focus of the Utah law enforcement.
Drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana still persist as common drugs
of abuse.
- Cocaine
The use of cocaine is a problem throughout the entire state of Utah. The
use of crack cocaine is confined primarily to the larger cities.
- Heroin
The abuse of heroin continues to be a serious problem in Utah. Black tar heroin
and Mexican brown are readily available throughout Utah.
- Meth
The largest drug threat throughout Utah is meth. The number of meth labs uncovered
by local law enforcement dropped from 2000 to 2001. Even so, meth remains
readily accessible throughout Utah.
- Club Drugs
Ecstasy, GHB, Ketamine, and Oxycontin are quickly becoming a significant law
enforcement problem. The second largest drug threat throughout Utah is Ecstasy.
- Marijuana
The cultivation of marijuana is common in remote areas of the state. The majority
of marijuana seized in large quantities throughout Utah is of Mexican origin.