›› Michigan: Drug
Cocaine, heroin, and marijuana continue to be the primary drug threats in the
state of Michigan. The level of use and availability of heroin fluctuates,
but it remains a threat in the state.
- Cocaine
Cocaine HCL is readily available throughout Michigan, with the greatest availability in the densely populated
areas where quantities remain stable. The price and purity of cocaine has remained relatively stable in Michigan for the past several years.
- Heroin
Heroin is widely available throughout the Detroit area and the more densely
populated areas of Michigan. Large quantities of heroin are imported from
South America, Mexico, and Africa.
- Meth
Methamphetamine continues to be available in the State of Michigan with the
western, southwest, and central areas of the state reporting the majority
of cases. Most of the production of Meth in Michigan at this time is occurring
in rural areas.
- Club Drugs
The use of club drugs such as Ecstasy (MDMA), GHB, and Ketamine has steadily
increased in Michigan. Club drugs are growing in popularity among young adults
and juveniles, particularly in most urban areas of the state where "Rave" parties
are also increasing.
- Marijuana
Marijuana continues to be the most commonly used and readily available illicit
drug throughout Michigan. The vast majority of marijuana sold in Michigan
originates in Mexico.